Fund for What’s Next
$100,000 Match


Launched in anticipation of our 10th anniversary, our Fund for What’s Next endowment, managed by the Stark Community Foundation, allows us to take thoughtful risks to grow and pursue innovative opportunities for empowering middle schoolers.

With this fund, we can pilot creative programming, hire qualified team members, and invest in continued learning in order to align our programming with the latest early adolescent research.

At our 10th Birthday Feast of Ideas, we announced that, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, the first $100,000 of designated donations toward the Fund for What’s Next will be matched dollar-for-dollar. That night we we were ecstatic to receive over $20,000 toward this initial goal, and as of spring 2024, have matched about half of the original goal!


How to give

To donate toward the Fund for What’s Next, contact Joel Daniel Harris at

What is an endowment?

Endowments are invested funds used to create a constant, predictable stream of income that organizations can use to offset operations, fund new programs and services, or support other mission-related activities. 

 Here’s how it works: TomTod can choose to receive an annual apportionment or accrue a multi-year draw, while the remaining balance of our fund continues to grow in perpetuity. TomTod’s endowment, the Fund for What’s Next, is designed to allow us to try new initiatives, explore programmatic possibilities, and to remain on the cutting edge of empowering middle schoolers.